Our Experience

Creativity and a willingness to experiment

snow spray

Snow Spray Art

Created using Snow Spray completely freehand on windows for both personal and business purposes. I create window displays for the most popular seasons: Halloween, Christmas and New Year. I have also created window displays for Birthdays, Funerals, Shop Events and The Queen’s Jubilee.

wall art

Wall Art

Created freehand using both Graffiti spray paint and airbrushes. Wall art is created on both internal and external walls, I work closely with you to include you in the design of your wall to add personal details.

I have worked exclusively with schools to teach Graffiti and Airbrushing in line with the curriculum and support
students learning.

glass art

Glass Art

Snow Spray glass canvases are created on canvas, wood and glass using freehand airbrushing. They are individually framed by our own specialist using high-quality non-reflective glass and go through a unique process to ensure the best quality artwork created by myself. 

Some of our favourites

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